The Effectiveness of the HDB Hunting Bullet
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Featuring a closed hollow point, three internal notches for positive controlled expansion, and a special anti-friction surface lacquer the HDB comes in pure copper monobloc construction. It typically rapidly mushroomes to an 1,5 to 2,0 diameter of its caliber, even under very flat angles of impact. Thanks to its uniform deformation the projectile will pass the game body without remarkable deflection.

Starting at about 2,5 cm after penetration, the energy transfer increases continuously to culminate at 25 - 30 cm (depending on the bullet's caliber and velocity) and than continues de facto equal. At the same time the projectile achieves its final degree of expansion. When tested by shooting at gelatin blocks and other simulation materials the recovered HDBs without exception showed residual weights of > 97 % of the original weight. Thanks to its enormous penetration capability, the HDB in most cases will pass a game body with leaving a small exit hole behind. The only very few stuck residuals dug-out from game bodies weighted a minimum 98 % of the original bullets. Irrespective of game size and possible bone hits the new projectile always performs trusty.

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